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I love what I do and it shows. As a mom and a career woman, I am very professional, respect my clients, and am grateful for their trust in my contribution to the event, whether a craft party or wedding balloon decor. It's joy, not job.
Quality best-grade balloons, and FDA approved, best quality, professional paints in many vibrant, beautiful colors, plus cosmetic-grade glitters, a bling bar of safe glitters, and the highest standards of cleaning and sanitizing brushes! Nothing but the best will do and as I say “Your kids are like my kids” so nothing but the best!
Customer service is important... at any age! We take care of our young and young-at-heart clients... and everyone inbetween. As a former journalist, I always ask questions, engage clients and truly take an interest in their needs. Our party decor and entertainment services very easy to book, as you have better things to do!
I pride myself on being one of the fastest artists around, especially when I have a line or need to get through a lot of kids. For our balloon decors and party events, we also are very fast, prompt and setup on time with zero hassle! It's your party and we are here to get in, make things sparkle, and leave a friendly impression.
From the orphan camp in Armenia I have taught at several times, to preschools, park districts, elementary schools- even senior adults, I love to paint, teach and watch the wonder in their eyes when someone is LEARNING. In balloon decor, I listen to the client, and suggest even more creative ways to help their event.
This is me to a core. I love kids, have three of my own, and am passionate about teaching children art – whether I am painting their faces or teaching a curve or shading in one of my drawing class. For balloon decor, I love to see their faces when they open the door and see our giant creations!